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2003-05-21 - 21:29

Jack's fun-fun-happy-cows-and-squids-and-milk-joy-jokes-laughing-introduction-with-exclamation-points!!!!!!!!


Ha! Jack is happy today! Jack just read jokes! Many jokes! Jack likes jokes! And exclamation points!!!!!

Jack is the only one left that needs an introduction, so now Jack shall introduce himself! With exclamation points!!!

The first thing Jack would like to say is this: JACK IS NOT A DOG! Ninja always calls Jack a dog, but Jack is NOT a dog. Jack is Zorginian! A Zorginian from Planet Zorg!!! Jack likes Planet Zorg! And sometimes Jack misses Planet Zorg too... Especially the Milk Moon... *sigh...*

But Jack will not think about that now, because Jack must still introduce himself! Jack is the Human GS's happy side! Jack is fun-fun humor! That is why Jack likes jokes! Moco thinks Jack is 'loco' and Jack does not know what that means. Piojo says Jack is stupid and annoying, but Jack does not care! Jack is happy-fun-fun-joyful! Jack is always laughing! Jack likes to laugh! Laughing is good and fun! And Jack likes fun!

Jack also likes milk. Jack LOVES milk!!!! And cows and squids and jokes and fun-fun joy! And Gis. Jack loves Gis very much! Gis giggles and Jack likes giggles very sweet! Jack also likes colostrum!!!! Colostrum is good-stuff-for-you-to-help-you-grow! SVLVZVR doesn't like colostrum, but Jack thinks he should!

Jack also thinks he should go now, because Jack has nothing more to say! So Jack will go now, because Jack thinks he should because Jack has nothing more to say!!!!

Smile-smile-and-be happy!!!!!!

*laughs hysterically and slithers out of the closet*

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